Arizona's best solar
Typical pricing:
Single story: $90/panel
Additional stories: +$10/panel
Tile roof: +$10/panel
E-Curb standoffs: +$10/panel
Two-story tile roof is $110/panel
We'll typically use the same racking and hardware, except in the case of E-Curbs where new standoffs are required. If new racking or hardware or significant alterations to the arrays is necessary there will be additional costs.
For example, we recently did a partial system removal, contractors came in and raised the roof 36" in that and therefore new wire and pipe needed to be run.
$$$ DISCOUNT $$$
Any week we get more than 50 panels combined across all jobs you give us we'll give you a $20/panel discount on all jobs that week!
We mirror whatever warranties you are offering to the homeowner
Under ROC#229796 as General Dual KB-2 residential and commercial